Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wonderings on Sweet Valley Confidential

Sweet Valley Confidential.

I couldn't get over Elizabeth and Bruce. In the end, Elizabeth comes out the winner since she gets what Jessica wanted then: a gorgeous and rich guy who absolutely loves her.

But I personally would've preferred it to have been Elizabeth and Todd forever.

Anyway, I was wondering about the following:
  • Why Amy Sutton was not mentioned at all?
  • Why they renamed Lila's father from George to Richard Fowler?
  • Why Lila did not seem to have taken on an active role in being Jessica's best friend? Wasn't she supposed to have become more mature in Sweet Valley University?
  • Why is it that some parts of the book, especially Jessica's language and the way she speaks, seem to be written by a teenager and not of a woman?
Let me know your thoughts.

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