Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Feeling A Little Blah

Allow me this little space to rant a little and take a break from all my “interesting” posts about music and things and pictures or videos that I either find cool or funny.

I am feeling a little … blah. I lack the proper term for it at the moment. Maybe I’m feeling a little too bored and a little too rested. I’m a jobless yet well-rested freak. I miss my office friends, however little of a circle they may be. I miss doing things that matter. I miss getting paid every other Friday.

On the other hand, I relish the time I currently have. I get about 10 hours of sleep and I eat sometimes twice a day (compared to the three or four times a day while I was working in a call center, not counting the snacks in between). I don’t get hungry even if I eat just twice daily. And no, I don’t eat two big-ass meals. Today’s example: Breakfast was three open-faced sandwiches, two peanut-butter, one with egg spread, a banana and a glass of orange juice. Breakfast was at 7:30 AM. Tried to work out by doing yoga. Lasted 6 minutes and 40 seconds longer than the last time out of the 10 minute work out by Tara Stiles but finished 10 minutes of Namaste Yoga first before doing the Tara Stiles work out. Drenched in sweat and shaky arms, I ended up blogging/bitchin’ about the Tara Stiles work out experience on my Tumblr Blog.

Lunch consisted of three open-faced sandwiches and two pieces of bangus lumpia. And I got hunger pangs only at around 3 PM. Yes, despite the work out. And don’t belittle yoga and say that it’s not hunger-inducing enough. Yoga is damn hard. Tara Stiles and other yogi experts make it look so easy.

Decided I would be serious about losing weight, I sent a text message to my mom saying I would now be observing the After 6 diet (no eating after 6 pm) and/or no more rice for lunch or dinner. I will only be consuming rice during breakfast or lunch. If it ain’t breakfast or lunch, no rice. No pasta for dinner too. I will try to eat healthy. AND exercise for at least thirty minutes every FN day.

I blog and I check my email every four hours in the hopes that one of the companies I applied to have responded to my application letters.

And I take care of my two dogs.

I like what I’m doing, truth be told. I’ve thought of getting a home-based job but I’m debating with myself against it since I won’t be meeting as much people as I would compared to if I were working in an office. It’s like closing myself from the world.

I need to seriously consider the possibilities of working at home and really think about it.

God, a little help please? Thanks! 



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