Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sexy and Suggestive Ads Because Today is Wednesday

In honor of “Hump Day” (whether that term actually pertains something sexual or not), I decided I’d put in some sexy, suggestive and funny TV and print ads. Yes, this is me trolling the internet after saying I’m sick of the internet no more than 3 hours ago.

Kids, keep off this blog entry please.

Another blonde joke here:

An ad for foot cream:


You can guess what this ad is for:


An ad for a cell phone service (this one’s funny): 

The controversial Megan Fox ad with her thumb:

Th-th-th-that’s all folks!

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I like to see old commecials especially but i haven't looked at those in a while. Your blog is very interesting, and I'll return. take care.
