Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Let’s Twist Again

Baby, let’s twist again like we did last summer

As the song goes.

Like other people I know, I have missed the McDonald’s Twister Fries. And I am so glad that it is back.


Dear McDonald’s,

Why is it that you offer the Twister fries for a couple of months in a year every year? Why can’t it be a staple on your fast food menu? Is it because you want to boost sales? That’s pretty selfish of you guys, to deprive us of our beloved twister fries just for business reasons.

Anyway, I am getting some Twister fries on Thursday. Two more days! YAHOO!!

Thanks to Nuffnang for providing the graphics. :)



  1. cause it doesn't taste that good and it so much better if it only comes out once in a while

  2. what?? you LIKE twister fries!! or um, di ikaw yun? hehe..
