Friday, September 3, 2010

Stephen Hawking says God Did Not Create The Universe

First of all, you can find the complete article here:

Second, being a Christian myself, I find this view a little disturbing. I do acknowledge that he said “God did not create the universe” and not “God does not exist”.

I’m all for science reconciling with religion. I know that there are some things that science cannot explain and for some, religion is equal to magic.

I’m just wondering how they can come to that conclusion – that God did not create the universe or that God does not exist – while citing laws about the universe. Don’t they ever wonder where the “laws” came from or how that specific law came into place? There are plenty of ways that the universe could’ve been created. God’s time is not the same as our time.

I’m not the type of person who imposes my faith on other people. Nor do I say that you’ll go to hell just because you don’t believe in my God. But I think everyone MUST acknowledge the fact that all that we have, all that we hope for, or where we come from, or what laws govern our universe, etcetera comes from something, if not someone higher, more intellectual and superior in all ways than the superior person on earth.

I know I have a pretty weak argument. Debate is not really my thing, especially if I don’t really know my way about science that much. But what I know based on faith is that God exists and that God created everything. I do think evolution is possible for other creatures but man evolving from monkeys is out of the question. For me, at least.

Anyway, I guess I just wanted to get this out there. Today, I’m standing up for my faith.

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