Monday, September 20, 2010


I suck at this tagging game.

I don’t have a lot of friends who blog and I don’t have a lot of online friends. So maybe I’ll tag some people and hopefully, they rise to the challenge.

Tagged by my new online friend, Toni.

1. If you had a chance to go back in time for 24 hours, where would you go and why? I have several timelines in mind. It just depends on what I want to change in my present. :) 

2. What material possession can you not live without? My books, my cell phone and my laptop.

3. What's your first thought in the morning and last thought at night? “Thank you God for this day” and whatever I’m watching/reading before I fall asleep.

4. If you were given the liberty and opportunity to pursue a new career, what line of work would you delve into? Probably law.

5. If you were to win the lottery, how long would you wait to tell others? A long time! I would probably plan a great vacation to Greece with my friends and pay for everything. They would of course ask where I got the money to fund the vacay, so that’s the only time I would tell.

6. What aspect of your personality is most peculiar to you? I explain a lot.

One last question:

Is there anything exciting about yourself that you would like to share? It’s not exciting but I see myself as a nerd.

Tagging Charls and Lyn.


  • If you had one super power, what would your power be and how will you use it for the first time? How will you use it for the last time?
  • What is the one thing that people usually don’t know about you?
  • Name three things that make you cool.
  • Which do you prefer, stupid jokes or intelligent jokes and why?
  • If you would be sentenced to prison for 10 years, what one book/DVD would you bring with you to read/watch everyday until you get out of prison?



  1. Awesome job! :)

    I'm going to Greece with my fiancé's family. :)

  2. awww. I'm so jealous. I would say bring me back a cute tee but since you're there and I'm here, I'll just say have a great trip. Take lots of pics and have fun! :)
