Friday, September 17, 2010

The Vampire Diaries: Brave New World

Ok, is it just me or did Bonnie get majorly annoying in this episode?

Anyway, the episode picks up where it left off the last time. Caroline wakes up as a vampire, all weirded out. She’s immediately drawn to blood that she smelled from the next room and stole it. When she first took a sip, she was initially disgusted and threw it away but I guess the hunger was more powerful than disgust, so she ended up finishing the whole blood bag.

Stefan and Elena shared a sweet moment. I love Stefan. Add a little naughtiness to him and he’ll probably be my ideal boyfriend – sweet, romantic, kind, tough, naughty. And to top it off, he’s just a major catch.

Anyway, Jeremy and Damon have another “let-me-kill-you” moment. Damon got Jeremy’s ring but immediately gave it back.

Caroline feeds on a human at the carnival. Oddly enough, with all the people in there, no one ever noticed her rather violent attack.

Oooh. Favorite scene: Caroline has a bloody face having just fed. Damon was about to kill Caroline but Stefan intercepts him. Elena and Stefan try to comfort Caroline. Damon comes rushing in about to stake Caroline but Elena comes in between. Bonnie finds out that Caroline has turned. Stefan helps Caroline clean up and teaches her how to control her cravings. Good acting moment there, Paul. I think I liked Stefan more than Damon in this episode.

Bonnie casts a spell on Damon to make his head ache. Once he’s down on the ground, Bonnie makes a faucet turn on and the water coming from the hose turns to fire and engulfs Damon’s legs. Elena yells for Bonnie to stop but Bonnie doesn’t listen, saying everything is Damon’s fault. Duh. Wasn’t it Bonnie who said that Damon should give Caroline his blood? Major annoying moment there. Elena shakes Bonnie to distract her, ultimately saving Damon.

On the werewolf side of the story, Mason shows amazing abilities and glowing eyes, something that Tyler and Stefan saw. Tyler confronts Mason but Mason doesn’t tell him the truth.

Matt confesses to Caroline that he’s in love with her. Stefan wakes up Elena to take her to the top of the ferris wheel for a kiss. Good romantic moment there. Very thoughtful of Stefan.

And it ends there.

I don’t think I have anything negative to say about this episode. Ian and Kat are doing a great job at playing annoying characters, so kudos to their acting abilities.

I think I liked Candice Accola’s Caroline more than I did last season.

And I wonder if anyone noticed that Mason seems to bark instead of yell?

Here’s the trailer of the next episode “Bad Moon Rising”:




  1. Hey, Lalaine! :)

    The new season just started here a few days ago. It was a good one, I'll tell you that!

    I feel silly. We've been talking for a while now and it just occurred to me that I'm not following you. :)) I'll follow you so I can see your updates.

    The new season of 90210 is pretty good too, by the way.

  2. Hey Toni!

    Yup, I've been streaming episodes through the internet since Season 2 started. :)

    Haha. Thanks for following!

    I haven't been able to watch 90210 since it started. I'll have to buy dvds from Season 1 before I move onto Season 2. :)

